Start now!

Deploy your Docker services cheaply

  • 📝 Use Docker Compose to deploy your apps with it's dependencies
  • 🚀 Starting at US$2.60 for 0.5 CPU and 1 GB
  • 💸 More than 3x cheaper than the big providers
  • HTTPS included
Wordpress Docker Compose file

Truly affordable


Get the best performance for your money.
Your deployments are never paused and we use NVMe SSDs .

Size CPUs RAM SSD Traffic HTTPS Price
XS 0.5 1 GB 5 GB 500 GB Included
S 1 2 GB 10 GB 1 TB $4.20
M 2 4 GB 20 GB 2 TB $9.90
L 4 8 GB 40 GB 4 TB $16.90


Deploy Docker Compose

Deploy Docker Compose files cheaply and quickly. Mind that only HTTP services will be accesible publicly (PostgreSQL, MariaDB and others can be used but not exposed)

HTTPS included

Don't worry about paying for certificates or configuring Let's encrypt, in Docker Deploy you get HTTPS included for all yor deployments

Coming soon

  • Execute commands in the containers ✔
  • Auto re-deployment on image pushed
  • Download/Upload files to your container


Frequently Asked Questions

Why using Docker Compose files?

Easy: Because they allow you to deploy a set of Docker images, without the hassle of Kubernetes or Docker Swarm.

How is it so cheap?

We use Hetzners ARM servers to host the apps and that allows us to offer such good prices. Offering AMD64 servers would mean doubling the price for all sizes.

Can I deploy "mission-critical" apps?

Not now, and maybe never. Docker Deploy is better suited for apps that don't get constant traffic and it's ok if they are down once in a while.

Then which apps should I deploy here?

Docker Deploy is well suited for: Personal Sites, Hobby Projects, Test environments or Products on MVP stage. If your app is paying your bills, you should probably try another platform for now.

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes! We have no minimum contract period.